About Popable™
Welcome to Popable™
“Pop-up shops are just one stage in a brand’s story. We see brands going through more of a process as they grow—often starting with shorter-term engagements like day-long markets before moving into a pop-up retail storefront.”
Founded in 2017, Popable is a Houston-based tech start-up that acts as a “match.com” between brands and spaces so they can find, vet, and put on pop-up shops with one another.
Grown from an idea of a better way to connect brands and spaces for temporary lease, Popable™ serves the full journey of a brand’s growth. With retail partners including farmers’ markets, weekend festivals, brand collectives, and some of the largest shopping centers and malls in the nation.
Our mission is to help both sides of the ancillary retail relationship. Brands will find the education, resources, community, and connections they need to grow; while retail landlords can quickly find qualified partners from a directory of thousands of brands to fill vacancies and drive traffic to their shopping centers.
Popable™ is now in beta of our new Popable Match™ recommendation engine — a proprietary “dating” app for brands and spaces. After entering your search criteria, Popable Match™ will provide an emailed list of high-quality matches on a regular basis. Connecting the perfect brand with the perfect retail space has never been easier.
The coming retail resurgence will be accelerated by the “popable” players in the marketplace—a future full of popable brands and popable spaces.
Ready to get started on your popable journey? Sign up here.