Pop Up Staffing, LLC

We are a full service staffing agency specializing in short term activations, like carts, kiosks, pop-up stores, and brand activations, though we are equipped staff long term activations and stores. With over 20 years’ experience, we have an extensive list of candidates we have worked with on multiple projects across the US and Canada.

Staffing Service

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Areas Serviced

Nevada, USA
California, USA
Utah, USA
Arizona, USA
New York, NY, USA
Florida, USA
New Jersey, USA
Texas, USA
North Carolina, USA
Maryland, USA
Virginia, USA


Responding to marketplace demand from mall developers, leasing agents, and retail customers, industry veteran and expert, Linda Johansen-James announced the launch of the new Pop-Up Staffing, LLC agency which specializes in all aspects of common area retail hiring and staffing for carts, kiosks, shop-in-shops, and pop-up shops. With its established service offerings and a wealth of experience training thousands of sales people in retail, Pop-Up Staffing is poised to create unique and immersive customer experiences that put its clients’ brands in front of potential customers.

The recruiters at Pop-Up Staffing are experts at screening, hiring and training staffing personnel who specialize in consultative selling. From managers to sales consultants and whether you are looking for part-time or full-time, seasonal hires, or you just need help for a short time, Pop-Up Staffing recruits and manages common area employees, so that clients can concentrate on growing their successful businesses.

Services Provided

  • Recruiting
  • Onboarding
  • Payroll Administration
  • Covid-19 Readiness Kits
  • Covid-19 Training
  • Manuals and Handbooks Development
  • Staffing
  • Sales Training
  • Sales Management
  • Human Resources
  • Pro Forma and Business Planning
  • Job Description Development

Areas Serviced

  • City, State

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